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Liège Airport hosts air shippers' forum at Air Cargo Africa 2017

Liège Airport, Belgium’s busiest cargo airport, yet again took part at Air Cargo Africa in Johannesburg, from 21 to 23 February 2017.

On the second day of the event,  Liege Airport succesfully hosted the fourth air shippers' forum on humanitarian aid or relief cargo. The discussion was around the theme of "Humanitarian aid by air - delivering support right time, right place" and saw participation from logistics heads of international aid agencies like United Nations Procurement Division, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent and World Food Programme. They were joined by leaders from key air charter providers and NGOs in the humanitarian logistics services.

“Humanitarian aid, especially ad hoc operations when disaster strikes, relies heavily on airfreight operations to reach the areas where help is most urgently needed. We believe in highlighting the importance of the airfreight industry to the world, and humanitarian aid is a perfect example” said Steven Verhasselt, VP Commercial Manager at the opening of the event. “We are especially proud to host the panel discussion on humanitarian aid, as this is where the industry meets the charity. It is part of daily business, but it is more than that. It feels good to go the extra mile to the benefit of those who need it most. Liege Airport wants to bring all those together who believe in this”, he said.