According to her own words: “Over the years, I have retained a teaching which, for me, overrides all the others: a belief in the simple authenticity of man. It reveals itself in the quiet, silent force of lively eyes. Painting is the medium that allows me to explore this silent gaze of the eyes. They are the inspiration for my artworks. They are the primary focus. The large scale of my portraits show fragility without idealising, they do not hide their scars or their beauty. They are just what they are.”
The painter Booshra, born in Morocco and living in Belgium, will be showcasing her paintings in Johannesburg, at the Candice Berman gallery from 29 June until 13 July 2017. It is the second time she exhibits in South Africa, after successful exhibitions in London, Amsterdam, Miami.
She is coming to South Africa with her collection of giant portraits, where the use of blue pigments has become her signature touch. Booshra’s paintings won’t leave you untouched: the expression on the faces, the lively eyes, the sheer size of the frame... We can only suggest that you come and visit the gallery to make your own opinion of her work.
You can already find a sample of her work on her facebook page: