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Belgium: one of the top 5 investment destinations in Europe!

According to the “Ernst & Young's Belgian Attractiveness Survey”, Belgium welcomed 267 Foreign investment projects in 2019, resulting in the creation of 5401 jobs.

Belgium retained its 5th ranking in the top European destinations for FDI, behind France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain.

The top investors in Belgium in 2019 were the United States, France and the United Kingdom. The Netherlands and Germany completed the top 5. The main activities which attracted a large number of investments are sales & marketing, manufacturing and logistics.

Regarding the breakdown per region, Wallonia and Brussels recorded 64 and 76 investment projects respectively in 2019, i.e. an increase of 33% for Wallonia and 25% for Brussels. In terms of job creation per project, Flanders and Wallonia continue to maintain a strong trend of more than 27 jobs per project, while the projects in Brussels created much fewer jobs.

If you are interested in investing in Belgium, do not hesitate to contact our office in Johannesburg:

+27 11 463 03 78