For the 2nd year, the ‘Institut Français d’Afrique du Sud’ (IFAS), together with 12 European cultural agencies and embassies, organised a festival that focuses on the cinema that originates from Europe. All the films that are selected are shown for the 1st time in South Africa, with programming in Cape Town, Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg. This year’s topic was ‘A Woman’s world’, focussing on female directors, strong female characters or woman-related stories.
Belgium decided to program the latest film of the Dardenne brothers ‘Deux jours, une nuit’ (“Two days, one night”), that competed for the Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival in 2014, with the award-winning actress, Marion Cotillard.
Our office proudly sponsored the event and we joined forces with our local Belgian Chamber of Commerce to attract a wide audience during an exclusive private screening at a cinema in Johannesburg.
The film was shown in a fully booked theatre, followed by acclaims and vivid discussions about Marion Cotillard's performance.